Common Failures of Traditional Products for Resin 3D Printing



Resin 3D printing, also known as stereolithography (SLA), is a form of additive manufacturing technology that uses photopolymer liquid resin as the raw material. The additive manufacturing process involves the use of a light source, such as a UV light or a projector, to cure the photopolymer resin layer by layer and build the 3D object from the bottom up. This technology has revolutionized various industries, including healthcare, automotive, and aerospace, due to its ability to produce highly detailed models with high precision and intricate details. However, the success of resin 3D printing largely depends on the quality of the resin used. In the following sections, we will delve into the importance of resin quality in 3D printing and discuss the common failures of traditional resin products.

The quality of resin used in the resin printing process plays a pivotal role in determining the success of the final product. High-quality resins ensure that the printed models have the desired strength, durability, and finish. Conversely, using low-quality resins can lead to common failures such as brittleness, poor heat resistance, and inadequate chemical resistance. Therefore, it is crucial to choose resins that are both compatible with the resin 3D printer and suitable for the intended application. In the following sections, we will delve deeper into the importance of resin quality in resin 3D printing and discuss the common failures associated with traditional resin products.

The Importance of Resin Selection in 3D Printing

In the realm of 3D printing, particularly within the domain of stereolithography (SLA) and digital light processing (DLP), resin is not merely a consumable, but the cornerstone of the entire additive manufacturing process. The resin serves as the raw material that is selectively cured by a UV light source, layer by layer, to form a solid three-dimensional object. This transformation from a liquid to a solid state is a chemical reaction, one that is fundamental to the success of the resin printing process.

The quality of the final product, including the highly detailed models, is intrinsically linked to the quality of the resin used. It is a simple truth that resonates across all forms of manufacturing: the end product can only be as good as the materials from which it is made. In the context of 3D printing, this means that every layer, every feature, and every aspect of the printed object’s structural integrity is dependent on the resin’s properties.

Everything in the physical world is bound by the laws of chemistry, and 3D printed objects are no exception. The materials chemistry of the resin determines its behavior under various conditions, such as exposure to heat, chemicals, and mechanical stress. A resin with a well-engineered chemical composition will yield printed objects that are strong, durable, and reliable. Conversely, a resin with poor materials chemistry may result in printed objects that are brittle, prone to deformation, or have inconsistent properties.

Therefore, when selecting a resin for 3D printing, one must consider the intended application and the environmental conditions the final product will face. The resin must have a materials chemistry that ensures it can not only print accurately but also perform reliably throughout the lifespan of the product. In essence, the foundational building block of any 3D printed object is the materials chemistry of the resin, underscoring the adage that every physical product depends on reliable materials chemistry.

Common Failures of Traditional Resin Products

The world of 3D printing has been revolutionized by the introduction of resin-based printing technologies. However, despite the advancements, traditional resin products often fall short when transitioning from the controlled environments of development to the unpredictable conditions of real-world applications. The spec sheets provided by suppliers, while informative, can only capture a snapshot of performance under ideal conditions, which rarely reflect the complex and varied environments that durable goods must endure during the additive manufacturing process.


One of the most significant limitations of traditional resin products is their tendency to result in brittle 3D printed parts. While these resins may exhibit satisfactory performance on a technical data sheet, the reality is that the brittleness can become a critical flaw when the parts are subjected to the dynamic stresses of everyday use. Industries that require robust and flexible materials, such as automotive or consumer goods, often find that the brittleness of traditional resins limits their application, leading to premature failure and safety concerns in the highly detailed models they produce.

Poor Heat Resistance

Heat resistance is another area where traditional resins often do not live up to the demands of real-world applications. The technical data sheets might indicate a certain level of heat tolerance, but in practice, many of these resins cannot withstand the high temperatures they encounter, especially in environments like engine compartments or industrial machinery. This limitation restricts their use in sectors where thermal stability is crucial, and can result in deformation, loss of mechanical properties, or even complete part failure when exposed to heat beyond their threshold during the resin printing process.

Inadequate Chemical and Moisture Resistance

Chemical resistance is a critical factor for materials used in environments where exposure to solvents, lubricants, or other harsh chemicals is common. Similarly, moisture resistance is equally important, especially for applications that may encounter humid environments or direct contact with water. Traditional resins may claim a degree of chemical and moisture resistance on their data sheets, but the actual performance can fall short when faced with the diversity and concentration of chemicals, or the persistent presence of moisture in real-world conditions.

Most photopolymers, along with other additive manufacturing (AM) polymers, have a tendency to absorb water, which can significantly affect their mechanical properties and dimensional stability. This absorption can lead to swelling, a decrease in mechanical strength, and an increased likelihood of degradation over time. In practical applications, this susceptibility to moisture can hinder the functionality and reliability of 3D printed parts, making them unsuitable for use in environments where exposure to moisture is a regular occurrence.

The inadequacy in resisting these chemical and moisture-related challenges can lead to the degradation of the 3D printed parts, affecting not only their durability but also their longevity and safety. It is essential for manufacturers and engineers to consider these limitations and to seek out advanced resin formulations that offer enhanced chemical and moisture barriers, ensuring that the 3D printed products can withstand the rigors of real-world applications.

In conclusion, while the spec sheets of traditional resin products provide a baseline understanding of material properties, they often do not account for the multifaceted and harsh conditions that products face once they leave the lab. It is crucial for manufacturers and engineers to recognize these limitations and seek out advanced resin solutions that are engineered to perform reliably in the real world, ensuring the durability and safety of the final products.

Limited Compatibility: The Challenge of Proprietary Systems in Resin 3D Printing

For much of its history, the resin 3D printing industry has been characterized by proprietary ecosystems, where resins, hardware, and software were often tightly integrated and supplied by the same manufacturer. This approach, while ensuring a certain level of reliability and quality control for resin printers, has also led to significant limitations in terms of compatibility during the additive manufacturing process.

The Proprietary Model

In the early days of resin 3D printing, manufacturers developed their own unique formulations of photopolymers that were optimized for their specific printing systems. These proprietary resins were designed to work seamlessly with the corresponding printer’s hardware and software, creating a closed-loop system. While this model allowed for fine-tuned performance, it also meant that users were locked into using resins supplied by their printer’s manufacturer, often at a premium cost.

Compatibility Issues

The downside of this proprietary model is the limited compatibility with other systems. Users found themselves constrained by a narrow selection of materials, unable to experiment with or switch to resins that might offer better performance or cost-efficiency. This lack of interoperability between different brands and types of 3D printers and resins stifled innovation and flexibility within the industry during the resin printing process.

Impact on Usability

The implications of limited compatibility are far-reaching. It not only affects the cost of materials and the diversity of applications but also limits the ability of users to adapt to new or specialized printing requirements. For businesses and researchers, this can mean missed opportunities for product development and innovation. For hobbyists and smaller operations, it can translate into higher running costs and a reduced ability to customize or scale their projects.

In conclusion, while the proprietary model has its advantages in terms of system reliability, the trade-off comes in the form of limited compatibility, which has historically restricted the versatility, high speed, and accessibility of resin 3D printing. As the industry evolves, there is a growing demand for open systems that can accommodate a wider range of resins, allowing users to leverage the full potential of 3D printing technology during the additive manufacturing process.

Difficult Post-Processing: The “Dirty Secret” of Resin 3D Printing

Post-processing, an often overlooked aspect of the 3D printing workflow, is particularly challenging when it comes to resin-based methods. It’s a “dirty secret” that can involve messy, smelly, and unpleasant tasks, which are essential to achieving the desired quality and functionality of printed parts.

Cleaning Challenges

After a part is printed with traditional resin, it is coated with uncured resin that must be washed away. This process typically requires the use of isopropyl alcohol (IPA) or other hazardous chemicals, which can be both odorous and toxic, necessitating proper ventilation and protective equipment. The cleaning process is not only messy but also poses environmental and health risks if not handled correctly during the resin printing process.

Curing Complications

Curing is another critical step in post-processing that can present challenges. Traditional resins often require precise UV light exposure to achieve full strength and desired material properties. This step can be time-consuming and requires additional equipment, such as a UV curing chamber. If not cured properly, the parts can remain tacky to the touch or become brittle, compromising their structural integrity and the overall quality of the 3D printed parts.

Environmental and Safety Concerns

The post-processing of traditional resins generates waste that must be disposed of responsibly. Used solvents and contaminated cleaning solutions are hazardous and require special disposal methods to avoid environmental contamination. Moreover, the fumes from both the resins and the solvents can be harmful, making adequate ventilation a necessity in the workspace.

In conclusion, while resin 3D printing technology has made significant strides in precision and detail, the post-processing stage remains a complex and demanding aspect of the workflow. It is a critical phase that requires careful attention to detail, adherence to safety protocols, and a willingness to deal with the messy reality of turning a 3D printed part into a finished product.

Achieving high print quality is a paramount goal in resin 3D printing, especially when the objective is to rival the finish and detail of injection-molded parts. Many of the parts displayed on websites and showroom floors have undergone extensive hand finishing to achieve their flawless appearance. This level of finish is often expected but not always immediately realized straight from the printer.

In the pursuit of excellence in print speed and quality, Digital Light Processing (DLP) resin printing stands out. DLP technology, known for its precision and capability to produce parts with incredibly smooth surfaces and fine details, has the best potential to match the quality of injection-molded parts without extensive post-processing. The technology uses a digital light projector to flash a single image of each layer all at once, which can result in prints with a higher resolution compared to other forms of resin 3D printing.

However, it’s important to acknowledge that even with DLP’s capabilities, achieving injection molding-like quality can still require a degree of post-processing. This may include support removal, surface smoothing, and additional curing. The difference lies in the reduced effort and time needed to bring DLP printed parts up to a high standard, making it a preferred method for applications where print quality is critical.

As the industry continues to advance, the gap between “just-printed” and “showroom-ready” is narrowing. Innovations in resin formulations and DLP technology are leading the charge, offering the promise of top-tier print quality that meets or exceeds the expectations set by traditional manufacturing methods.

The Solution: polySpectra’s Resin Products

The challenges posed by traditional resin products in 3D printing are numerous, but polySpectra has engineered a solution that addresses these common failures head-on. polySpectra’s COR (Cyclic Olefin Resin) photopolymers are designed to overcome the brittleness, poor heat resistance, and inadequate chemical resistance that plague many traditional resins.

Extreme Ruggedness and Durability

polySpectra’s COR products, including COR Alpha, COR Black, and COR Bio, are formulated using Nobel-winning chemistry, resulting in a resin that stands out for its extreme ruggedness and durability. These resins are not only tough but also exhibit best-in-class thermomechanical performance, making them suitable for end-use components that are expected to endure challenging environments.

Compatibility with a Wide Range of Printers

One of the most significant advantages of polySpectra’s COR products is their compatibility with a wide array of leading resin 3D printers across various price points. This compatibility ensures that users are not restricted to proprietary systems and can select the same 3d printer that best meets their specific requirements, dramatically increasing the return on investment for businesses and hobbyists alike during the additive manufacturing process.

Ease of Cleaning

The low viscosity of COR photopolymers simplifies the post-processing stage, making them incredibly easy to clean. polySpectra’s supaRinse cleaning fluid is a safe and effective solution for washing away uncured resin, streamlining the cleaning process and reducing the environmental and health risks associated with traditional cleaning methods.

Transparent Post-Processing Requirements

polySpectra values transparency in its post-processing requirements, which are clearly outlined and accessible at The documentation provides users with detailed instructions for post-processing, including the use of polySpectra waveCure, a proprietary heat transfer fluid that allows for quick and efficient curing of COR parts, even in a consumer microwave.


The common failures of traditional resin products are well-documented, but polySpectra’s COR resins provide a robust solution that ensures durability, safety, and performance. By addressing the core issues of material weakness and complex post-processing, polySpectra has set a new standard in the industry for the additive manufacturing process.

We encourage readers to explore polySpectra’s range of resin products to enhance their 3D printing capabilities. With COR Alpha, COR Black, and COR Bio, users can expect high resolution and a seamless printing experience that delivers on the promise of industrial-grade resin 3D printing, producing highly detailed models with ease.

Ready to Experience the Difference with polySpectra Resins?

Discover the strength, durability, and advanced capabilities of polySpectra’s COR resins. Whether you’re a professional in the industry or a 3D printing enthusiast, our products are designed to exceed your expectations and bring your projects to life.

  • COR Alpha: polySpectra’s flagship resin, offering high glass transition temperatures and rugged performance.
  • COR Black: Discover the high impact strength of COR Black, designed for producing durable prints withstanding rigorous use and handling.
  • COR Bio: Unlock new possibilities in healthcare and consumer 3D printing with our bio-compatible resin.

Don’t settle for less when you can print with the best. Visit polySpectra's shop today to select the resin that will transform your 3D printing experience. Make your next project a success with polySpectra – where innovation meets reliability.

P.S. - If you have any questions or need further information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.