COR Alpha is the strongest, most durable, and heat-resistant 3D printing resin on the market.

Are you fed up with 3D printing fragile and brittle parts? You need to be able to trust the materials you’re using to get the job done.

If you’ve tried 3D printing yourself, you may feel:

  • Frustrated because every time you print a part, it breaks before you can even use it.
  • Overwhelmed by all the 3D printing options out there, while knowing none of them can do what you need them to.
  • Tired of spending money on 3D printing parts that don’t work.

COR Alpha changes that. Now you can 3D print with confidence, using the most rugged and durable SLA/DLP 3D printer resin on the market.

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3D printing is fast and produces less waste than other plastic manufacturing processes.

The vast majority of 3D printer resin available on the market is not suitable for mass manufacturing.

COR Alpha accomplishes what no one else has in the 3D printing space: a polymer rigid enough for manufacturing.

With COR Alpha resin, you can finally:

  • Speed up your production and increase your profits by accelerating design and manufacturing cycles.
  • Stop wasting time reprinting parts that can’t stand up to harsh chemicals, heat, or pressure. Start printing right the first time.
  • Create your own durable, ready-to-use parts so you can excel in your industry and beat the competition.
  • Stop wasting money on expensive 3D printing that doesn’t work. Save tens of thousands of dollars by finally printing lasting parts.
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Which 3D Printers Work With COR Alpha?

  • Asiga Pico2 HD UV
  • Asiga Max & MaxX UV
  • Asiga Pro4k UV
  • Origin One
  • ETEC EnvisionOne CDLM

Don’t see the printer you need? Talk with our team.

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Level-Up Your 3D Printing:
Get COR Photopolymer Resin

Is your team configured to print with COR onsite?

COR photopolymer resins are intended for use by trained additive manufacturing professionals working in industrial, manufacturing, and laboratory facilities. At this time, we discourage printing with COR in home or office environments.

Please review the documentation before ordering.
Read the Docs

Just give us a call: 510 390 9145
Or email [email protected]